Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Hell Known As Band Camp

Ok... Sorry guys, I've been really busy lately. Mostly because this week and next week is band camp. Yay. Oh, I don't think y'all know this yet but I play flute... which is why I'm in band camp. haha. First of all it should be called boot camp. Its from 8 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon. The music is fucking hard! I'm trying my best but so far that hasn't been enough, My flute has broken for the past 4 months so I'm a little rusty. lol. The marching isn't that hard but its really really hot outside. Despite all of these negatives I am still looking at the few positives and pressing onward. I am determined to be the absolute best that I can be at this whole marching band thing. I'm going to have to practice my ass off though. :( This is going to be difficult but I am going to finish strong. I think I can survive 2 weeks of heat and pain, maybe.