You are now entering a world of confusion, pandemonium, and terror. Also known as my mind. Put on your helmet, buckle your seatbelt and enjoy.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Breakfast Revolutionized!
This is the best idea ever! I know in kinda slow but I also know that everyone has trouble buttering toast. haha. If they were to market this product it would be an instant hit. I live in redneck central and the least effort required, the better. My town alone would buy at least half of them. haha. I just think this is fucking genius! Glue stick meets butter, who would've thought it?
Hey Veda, thanks for following my blog! I hope you enjoy it. I love the butter glue stick! Got to get me one of those. Anyway, feel free to join the conversation anytime. See you around!
Ah, the ocean. So powerful, so peaceful, so magical. I have always felt drawn to the ocean like it was my second home. I love it so much its difficult to put into words. I live about five minutes away from Sunset Beach NC. If youre ever in NC you should stop by, is the best beach ive ever been to.
I am an outgoing person. Not afraid to be in front of people. I crave attention from everyone, positive or negative. I am constantly under-estimated, people give me alot less credit than I deserve. One day all of the people who called me stupid or worthless will be sorry, none of them will expect it but they will all get it in my time.
Hey Veda, thanks for following my blog! I hope you enjoy it. I love the butter glue stick! Got to get me one of those. Anyway, feel free to join the conversation anytime. See you around!