This is the best idea ever! I know in kinda slow but I also know that everyone has trouble buttering toast. haha. If they were to market this product it would be an instant hit. I live in redneck central and the least effort required, the better. My town alone would buy at least half of them. haha. I just think this is fucking genius! Glue stick meets butter, who would've thought it?
Ah, the ocean. So powerful, so peaceful, so magical. I have always felt drawn to the ocean like it was my second home. I love it so much its difficult to put into words. I live about five minutes away from Sunset Beach NC. If youre ever in NC you should stop by, is the best beach ive ever been to.
I am an outgoing person. Not afraid to be in front of people. I crave attention from everyone, positive or negative. I am constantly under-estimated, people give me alot less credit than I deserve. One day all of the people who called me stupid or worthless will be sorry, none of them will expect it but they will all get it in my time.